problems with teenagers working
Many teenagers wants to get a good job and they wants to work as a part time
or full time job so that there will go shopping and movie and save some money.
I thinks its good that teenagers work them self so there dont have to ask money
for there parents and they will know money is not easy to make,you have to work hard.But the problem working teenagers is that they cant handle work probably,
there will make mistake somehow.
well, i choose this article that's says more and more teenagers are joining
the work force before they graduate from high school. In order to do so,
there are certain steps they,and their employers, have to take to comply with Ohio’s minor labor laws. And in this article written that many young people
do more work and didnt concentration on studies. work more than three hours
on any school day; work more than 18 hours in any school week or work during
school hours, unless employment is incidental to a bona fide vocational
training program. work but dont miss your study.
why is it so hard for teens to find jobs? That's my question and i found out
what people says about it. In this article people wrote there own opinion.
Teenagers cant handle work, studying at the same time work is very hard for teenagers and college students.In final exam stress on studies and have to go
work too, and then there created different kinds of problem due to this.
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It's a nice response, even though a little bit short.